

I GYCRCTL I CYCRCTL:  creates an object module, which is a non-executable machine language version of the source code. Example: //STEP001 EXEC PGM= IGYCRCTL , //  PARM=’DYN,DATA(31),LIST,NOOFF’ PARM specifies the options, which are being used while compilation. The details are as below: 1.   DYN :  It loads called sub-modules dynamically. This result in smaller load modules file. Related Option: NODYN 2.   DATA:  It has two formats DATA(24) and DATA(31). Default- DATA(31). Language Environment provides services that control the storage used at RUN-TIME. Specify the DATA(24) compiler option for programs running in 31-bit addressing mode that are passing data parameters to programs in 24-bit addressing mode.  This ensures that the data will be addressable by the called program.                                                           3.   LIST /NOLIST: Default is NOLIST. Use the LIST compiler option to produce a listing of the assembler-language expansion of your


STOP RUN: It’s the last executable statement of the main program. It returns control back to OS.  EXIT PROGRAM It’s the last executable statement of sub-program. It returns control back to main program. GO BACK It can be coded in main program as well as sub-program as the last statement. It just gives the control back from where it received the control.  NEXT Statement It transfers control to next sentiment after the nearest period. Example IF A3 = B3    IF A1 = B1       NEXT  STATEMENT         IF A2 = B2         ELSE         DISPLAY “NO CONDITION “         END-IF     END-IF END-IF.      DISPLAY “NEXT STATEMENT In above example first “IF” is true then it check 2 nd “IF” is true then it come out from IF loop and display the DISPLAY STATEMENT. Else it check for 3 rd “IF” statement. CONTINUE Statement It’s like dummy statement, transfer control after END scope terminator. IF A1 = B1   CONTINUE  STATEMENT      IF A2 = B2      

ABEND list for JCL

what is ABEND?   An ABEND (abnormal end) is an exception condition which results in the abnormal termination of a program or software. It is a common terminology used in the mainframe world where a JCL terminates with an error code.  S0CB -    Attempting to divide by 0 and not using ON SIZE ERROR S002 -    Very large record length/ wrong record length Sx22 -   Job has been cancelled. The value of x will vary depending on the way the job was  cancelled. . S222 -    Means job was cancelled by a user or operator without a dump.                If a TSO session times out you will probably get an S522 ABEND code. S222 -    The job was cancelled (by subsystem or operator) because it violated               Some restriction. S522 -    JOB or TSO session exceeded maximum job wait time OR               Operator did not mount the require tape within allowed time limit    S806 -    Load module not found SB37