
Showing posts from June, 2017


I GYCRCTL I CYCRCTL:  creates an object module, which is a non-executable machine language version of the source code. Example: //STEP001 EXEC PGM= IGYCRCTL , //  PARM=’DYN,DATA(31),LIST,NOOFF’ PARM specifies the options, which are being used while compilation. The details are as below: 1.   DYN :  It loads called sub-modules dynamically. This result in smaller load modules file. Related Option: NODYN 2.   DATA:  It has two formats DATA(24) and DATA(31). Default- DATA(31). Language Environment provides services that control the storage used at RUN-TIME. Specify the DATA(24) compiler option for programs running in 31-bit addressing mode that are passing data parameters to programs in 24-bit addressing mode.  This ensures that the data will be addressable by the called program.                     ...