
Showing posts from March, 2015

error codes in mainframes

File error codes: 00: Successful operation. 02: Duplicate key, non-unique key, alt index. 10: End of file. 20: Invalid key VSAM KSDS/RRDS. 21: Key errors (rewrite & write). 22: Duplicate primary key found. 23: Record not found. 24: Disk filled or key outside of boundary of file. 37: Wrong mode. 39: File attributes do not match COBOL description. 91: password or authorization failed. 92: logic error. 93: Resources are not available. 95: Invalid file information. 96: No DD statement for the file. 97: Open successful. 98: File is locked. 99: Record locked. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB2 Return code. Note: 0: means successful execution. -ve: Negative means unsuccessful with an error. +ve: Positive means successful execution with a warning. 00: Successful operation. -104: illegal symbol using. -117: no of values in the insert does not match the no of columns. -180: wrong data passing to column....


CICS nucleus is constructed by the control programs and corresponding control tables provides unique advantages. It makes CICS system highly flexible and thus easy to maintain also. Following are the important control programs of CICS: Control Programs TCP The fundamental explanation of TCP is as follows: TCP is known as Terminal Control Program. TCP is used to receive messages from terminal. TCP maintains hardware communication requirements. TCP requests CICS to initiate the tasks. KCP The fundamental explanation of KCP is as follows: KCP is known as Task Control Program. KCP is used to simultaneously control the execution of tasks and its related properties. KCP handles all issues related to multitasking. PCP The fundamental explanation of PCP is as follows: PCP is known as Program Control Program. PCP is used to locate and load programs for execution. PCP transfers the control between programs and in the end it returns control to CICS. FCP The fundamental exp...

sequential file read

ID DIVISION.                                         PROGRAM-ID. ESDSRD.                                 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                               INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION.                               FILE-CONTROL.                                                   SELECT EMPFILE ASSIGN TO AS-DD1                         ORGANIZATION IS SEQUENTIAL                               ACCESS MODE IS SE...

files handing

FILE HANDLING Basic terms in file handling: 1. Files 2. Records 3. Fields. 4. Physical file. 4. Logical files. FILES: it is collect of records.    Ex: student file, employments file. RECORDS: it is collect of fields that are used to describe an entity. One or more fields from together are called records.     Ex: student ID, student name. FIELDS:  A set of characters are combined together called as information. PHYSICAL FILE: it is the information that exists on the external device. It is known as external devices. LOGICAL FILE: it is the information that is used by the program. In COBOL program one file can be handled at one time only. Difference between physical and logical file: Physical file Logical file 1.       Occupies the portion of memory. It contains the original data. 2.       It contains 1 record format. 3.     ...

Difference PS and PDS


difference between jes2 and jes3

JES2 JES3       1.        Decentralization.       2.        Every processor the incoming job individually.       3.        It is prestep allocation.       4.        Dataset allowed before step is executed.       5.        It is a local process.       6.        Control statement (//*). 1. Centralization. 2. It control process and assign job to sub processor. 3. It is prejob allocation. 4. Dataset allowed before job is schedule. 5. It is global process. 6. Control statement (/*).

Difference between STATIC AND DYNAMIC CALL

  Sl # STATIC Call DYNAMIC Call 1 Identified by Call literal. Ex: CALL ‘PGM1’. Identified by Call variable and the variable should be populated at run time. 01 WS-PGM PIC X(08). Move ‘PGM1’ to WS-PGM CALL WS-PGM 2 Default Compiler option is NODYNAM and so all the literal calls are considered as static calls. If you want convert the literal calls into DYNAMIC, the program should be compiled with DYNAM option. By default, call variables and any un-resolved calls are considered as dynamic. 3. If the subprogram undergoes change, sub program and main program need to be recompiled. If the subprogram undergoes change, recompilation of subprogram is enough. 4 Sub modules are link edited with main module. Sub modules are picked up during run time from the load library. 5 Size of load module will be large Size of load module will be less. ...

Difference between string and unstring

    STRING UNSTRING 1.        It is used to merge two or more     variable into single variable. 2.        End-string. 3.        Pointer used in specify starting position in receive field. 4.        Multiple sending fields and one receive field. 5.        No (.) are allowed between and end-string. 1.        It is used to split single variable into multiple variable. 2.        End-unstring. 3.        Pointers used in specify starting position in sending field. 4.        Multiple receive fields and one sending files. 5.        NO (.) are allowed between and end-unstring.

Difference between subscript and index, difference between search and search all

        Subscript index        1.        It is occurs of the table.        2.       Occurs converters in term of displacement and fetch the values.       3.       We have declared in working storage section.       4.       To modify subscript values by using arithmetic operations or for display.                                             5.       It is slow performing. 1. It is displacement of the table. 2. Displacement refers to address and fetch the values. 3. There is no declared in working storage section. 4. To modify index values with set, search, search all & perform statement. 5. It is faster performing. ...


PROCEDURE (PROC) 1. Procedure is re-usable component, which consist of EXEC and DD statement.   2. Procedure are not submitted directly (it can be call). There are 2 types of procedure 1. Instream procedure 2. Catalog procedure. Procedure name max: 8 characters and min: 1 character. Working of procedure 1. Declaration of proc. 2. Execution of proc. 3. Changing of parameters. INSTREAM PROCEDURE:                       It is defined within a job, with proc name starting with proc operand. RULES: Max 15 instream proc can be defined by one job. Proc can be executed within in a jcl program in any activity. Example: Copying data from one dataset to another dataset. Creation /deletion of datasets. Sorting data. DECLARATION OF instream procedure: Instream procedure starts with proc and end with pend statements. I...