COBOL + DB2 complication process.
There are various step involved before we run/execute a COBOL + DB2 program. Below step are the various steps. Precompile. Compile. Link edit. Bind. Package & plan. Step 1: Precompile COBOL compiler did not understand about SQL statement so, it undergoes to precompile. In precompile. Expands all include copybooks which are written in program. Extracts all SQL statements into DBRM and SQL statement are convert into call statements. Generates time-stamp for modified source codes and DBRM .there are checked at run time. Check syndicated error of SQL statements and validates the fields based on the table declaration from dclgen copybook. Notes: precompilation process can be executed even if DB2 is down. DSNHPC ----------- It is the program used for precompilation. Step 2: ...
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